
Showing posts with the label cookiless

Promote or Demote Uploads - Your Vote Counts!

You and your vote are the backbone of AdFreeway Social. You may not see all of the uploaded content,  because your votes shape what others see! With no user names, comments, groups or friends, what kind of a social network is AdFreeway?  In truth, its complex and most times we struggle to describe our algorithms. Put simply your votes may make you their leader, their votes may make you their follower and it all depends on the dynamic status of domain collections. In addition to our social feed, we advertise to you at domains you visit. By doing that we build you a  domain collection. That collection anonymously connects you with other temporary or permanent domain collections of other users.  So what does all that mean? One way to think of this; Like votes promote an upload, Dislike votes demote it The behavior of uploaded content depends on your votes, its earnings will increase or decrease according to the overall network affect of each of your votes. The impact of...

AdFreeway Social - Pointers

  Over the past few weeks we've been excited to work with the first approved users. Every day they enthusiastically uploaded content, voted regularly and increased their individual earnings. We learned some important things from this first group and applied our learning. We have now opened it to all registered users.  AdFreeway Social is supported by advertisers and agencies whose ad campaigns benefit from the important data our Social users generate. With increased advertiser support comes our ability to payout more rewards. There are several ways AdFreeway users earn including; voting, uploading, votes received on uploaded content and performance-rewards from data applied to ads. There are a few key rules for AdFreeway Social worth noting; 1. Vote once earn once. Earnings per vote rises of falls based on a users uploads to votes ratio. To maximize earnings a user must keep uploading. 2. Upload once, earn many times. Rewards for votes received on each upload can vary consider...

Advertising - The Gift That Keeps Giving

Adfreeway has simplified cookiless user clustering and reduced overly invasive practises to collect large amounts of data at great expense to user privacy. This reflects the double edged benefit of AdFreeway's effective approach, which is best summed up by the comment  Carlos Alija at MullenLowe US made after  the recent Australian Open Tennis mens championship final.  The quest for data to predict your every next move and the competition to get it right, just in time is overwhelming, yet the output continues to fail us. Alternatively the speed at which a willing participant can inform content (advertising) distribution is faster and more accurate. This is why AdFreeway innovated its user-driven platform to address advertisings first problem, finding the advertisers audience and growing it.  AdFreeway's platform delivers on two essential requirements, user opinions that produce advertising identifiers at a speed beyond predictive computations. When we first discover...